Source code for eds4jinja2.adapters.latex_utils


# Date:  05/01/2021
# Author: Eugeniu Costetchi
# Email: 

Latex parsing functionality

This module provides functions to parse latex text

Credits: This module was adapted after the Samuel Roeca's latex repository (pappasam/latexbuild on github)

import re

# Organize all latex escape characters in one list
# (EXCEPT FOR ( "\" ), which is handled separately)
# escaping those which are special characters in
# PERL regular expressions
ESCAPE_CHARS = [r'\&', '%', r'\$', '#', '_', r'\{', r'\}', '~', r'\^', ]

# For each latex escape character, create a regular expression
# that matches all of the following criteria
# 1) one or two characters
# 2) if two characters, the first character is NOT a backslash ( "\" )
# 3) if two characters, the second, if one, the first character
#       is one of the latex escape characters
    (re.compile(r"(?<!\\)" + i), r"\\" + i.replace('\\', ''))
    for i in ESCAPE_CHARS

# Place escape characters in [] for "match any character" regex
ESCAPE_CHARS_OR = r'[{}\\]'.format(''.join(ESCAPE_CHARS))

# For the back slash, create a regular expression
# that matches all of the following criteria
# 1) one, two, or three characters
# 2) the first character is not a backslash
# 3) the second character is a backslash
# 4) the third character is none of the ESCAPE_CHARS,
#       and is also not a backslash
REGEX_BACKSLASH = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\\(?!{})'.format(ESCAPE_CHARS_OR))

[docs]def escape_latex(value: str): """ Escape a latex string :param value: :return: """ if not isinstance(value, str): return value for regex, replace_text in REGEX_ESCAPE_CHARS: value = re.sub(regex, replace_text, value) value = re.sub(REGEX_BACKSLASH, r'\\\\', value) return value