Source code for eds4jinja2.adapters.namespace_handler


# Date:  25/02/2021
# Author: Eugeniu Costetchi
# Email: 

    This module deals with namespace management over Pandas DataFrames.
    - Discovery of prefixes and namespaces in a DataFrame
    - lookup
    - Maintenance of a namespace inventory
    - Shortening of URIs to their QName forms

import logging
import re
from typing import List

import rdflib
from pandas import DataFrame

from eds4jinja2.adapters import invert_dict
from eds4jinja2.adapters.prefix_cc_fetcher import prefix_cc_lookup_base_uri, prefix_cc_lookup_prefix

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NamespaceInventory(rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager): def __init__(self, namespace_definition_dict=None): super().__init__(rdflib.Graph()) if namespace_definition_dict: # reduce the namespace definition dictionary and bind the definitions for prefix, namespace in invert_dict(invert_dict(namespace_definition_dict)).items(): self.bind(prefix=prefix, namespace=namespace, replace=True, override=True) self._remote_query_cash = []
[docs] def namespaces_as_dict(self): """ :return: return the namespace definitions as a dict """ return {prefix: ns_uri.toPython() for prefix, ns_uri in self.namespaces()}
[docs] def uri_to_qname(self, uri_string, prefix_cc_lookup=True, error_fail=False): """ Transform the uri_string to a qname string and remember the namespace. If the namespace is not defined, the prefix can be looked up on :param error_fail: whether the errors shall fail hard or just issue a warning :param prefix_cc_lookup: whether to lookup a namespace on in case it is unknown or not. :param uri_string: the string of a URI to be reduced to a QName :return: qname string """ try: computed_ns = self.compute_qname_strict(uri_string) base_uri = computed_ns[1].toPython() if prefix_cc_lookup and base_uri not in self._remote_query_cash: self._remote_query_cash.append(base_uri) lookup_result = prefix_cc_lookup_base_uri(base_uri=base_uri) if lookup_result: for prefix, namespace in lookup_result.items(): # expecting at most one result self.bind(prefix=prefix, namespace=namespace, override=True, replace=True) self.reset() return self.qname_strict(uri_string) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not transform the URI <{uri_string}> to its QName form.") if error_fail: raise e return uri_string
[docs] def qname_to_uri(self, qname_string: str, prefix_cc_lookup=True, error_fail=False) -> str: """ Transform the QName into an URI :param qname_string: the qname string to be expanded to URI :param error_fail: whether the errors shall fail hard or just issue a warning :param prefix_cc_lookup: whetehr to look for missing prefixes at the http://prefix.xx :param error_fail: shall the error fail hard or pass with a warning :return: the absolute URI string """ try: if not"^[\w\d.\-_]+:[\w\d.\-_]+$", qname_string): raise ValueError('Not a QName for the form prefix:localname string: ' + qname_string) s = qname_string.split(':') prefix, local_name = s[0], s[1] if prefix not in self.namespaces_as_dict(): if prefix_cc_lookup: lookup_result = prefix_cc_lookup_prefix(prefix=prefix) if lookup_result: for prefix, namespace in lookup_result.items(): # expecting at most one result self.bind(prefix=prefix, namespace=namespace, override=True, replace=True) self.reset() else: raise ValueError('Unknown prefix: ' + prefix) else: raise ValueError('Unknown prefix: ' + prefix) return self.namespaces_as_dict()[prefix] + local_name except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not transform the QName <{qname_string}> to its absolute URI form.") if error_fail: raise e return qname_string
[docs]def simplify_uris_in_tabular(data_frame: DataFrame, namespace_inventory: NamespaceInventory, target_columns: List = None, prefix_cc_lookup=True, inplace=True, error_fail=True) -> DataFrame: """ Replace the full URIs by their qname counterparts. Discover the namespaces in the process, if the namespaces are not defined. :param namespace_inventory: the namespace inventory to be used for replacement resolution :param error_fail: fail on error or throw exception per data_fame cell :param inplace: indicate whether the current data_frame shall be modified or a new one be created instead :param prefix_cc_lookup: :param target_columns: the target columns to explore; Expectation is that these columns exclusively contain only URIs as values :param data_frame: the dataframe to explore :return: the DataFrame with replaced values """ if not target_columns: target_columns = [] for col in target_columns: if col not in data_frame.columns.values.tolist(): raise ValueError("The target column not found in the data frame") # get all the string columns obj_columns = data_frame.select_dtypes([object]).columns # limit to columns indicated in the self.target_columns obj_columns = filter(lambda x: x in target_columns, obj_columns) if target_columns else obj_columns # copy the dataframe if needed result_frame = data_frame if inplace else data_frame.copy(deep=True) for column in obj_columns: result_frame[column] = result_frame[column].apply( lambda x: namespace_inventory.uri_to_qname(x, prefix_cc_lookup=prefix_cc_lookup, error_fail=error_fail)) return result_frame