Source code for eds4jinja2.adapters.remote_sparql_ds


# Date:  07/08/2020
# Author: Eugeniu Costetchi
# Email:

import io
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON, CSV
from py_singleton import singleton

from eds4jinja2.adapters.base_data_source import DataSource
import pandas as pd

from eds4jinja2.adapters.substitution_template import SubstitutionTemplate


[docs]@singleton class SPARQLClientPool(object): """ A singleton connection pool, that hosts a dictionary of endpoint_urls and a corresponding SPARQLWrapper object connecting to it. The rationale of this connection pool is to reuse connection objects and save time. """ connection_pool = {} @staticmethod def create_or_reuse_connection(endpoint_url: str): if endpoint_url not in SPARQLClientPool.connection_pool: SPARQLClientPool.connection_pool[endpoint_url] = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint_url) return SPARQLClientPool.connection_pool[endpoint_url]
# safe instantiation SPARQLClientPool.instance()
[docs]class RemoteSPARQLEndpointDataSource(DataSource): """ Fetches data from SPARQL endpoint. Can be used either with a SPARQL query or a URI to be described. To query a SPARQL endpoint and get the results as *dict* object >>> ds = RemoteSPARQLEndpointDataSource(sparql_endpoint_url) >>> dict_object = ds.with_query(sparql_query_text)._fetch_tree() unpack the content and error for a fail safe fetching >>> dict_object, error_string = ds.with_query(sparql_query_text).fetch_tree() To describe an URI and get the results as a pandas DataFrame >>> pd_dataframe = ds.with_uri(existent_uri)._fetch_tree() unpack the content and error for a fail safe fetching >>> pd_dataframe, error_string = ds.with_uri(existent_uri).fetch_tree() In case you want to target URI description from a Named Graph >>> pd_dataframe, error_string = ds.with_uri(existent_uri,named_graph).fetch_tree() """ def __init__(self, endpoint_url): self.endpoint = SPARQLClientPool.create_or_reuse_connection(endpoint_url) self.__can_be_tree = True self.__can_be_tabular = True
[docs] def with_query(self, sparql_query: str, substitution_variables: dict = None, sparql_prefixes: str = "") -> 'RemoteSPARQLEndpointDataSource': """ Set the query text and return the reference to self for chaining. :return: """ if substitution_variables: template_query = SubstitutionTemplate(sparql_query) sparql_query = template_query.safe_substitute(substitution_variables) new_query = (sparql_prefixes + " " + sparql_query).strip() self.endpoint.setQuery(new_query) return self
[docs] def with_query_from_file(self, sparql_query_file_path: str, substitution_variables: dict = None, prefixes: str = "") -> 'RemoteSPARQLEndpointDataSource': """ Set the query text and return the reference to self for chaining. :return: """ with open(Path(sparql_query_file_path).resolve(), 'r') as file: query_from_file = if substitution_variables: template_query = SubstitutionTemplate(query_from_file) query_from_file = template_query.safe_substitute(substitution_variables) new_query = (prefixes + " " + query_from_file).strip() self.endpoint.setQuery(new_query) return self
[docs] def with_uri(self, uri: str, graph_uri: Optional[str] = None) -> 'RemoteSPARQLEndpointDataSource': """ Set the query text and return the reference to self for chaining. :return: """ if graph_uri: self.endpoint.setQuery(f"DESCRIBE <{uri}> FROM <{graph_uri}>") else: self.endpoint.setQuery(f"DESCRIBE <{uri}>") return self
[docs] def _fetch_tree(self): if not self.endpoint.queryString or self.endpoint.queryString.isspace(): raise Exception("The query is empty.") self.endpoint.setReturnFormat(JSON) query = self.endpoint.query() return query.convert()
[docs] def _fetch_tabular(self): if not self.endpoint.queryString or self.endpoint.queryString.isspace(): raise Exception("The query is empty.") self.endpoint.setReturnFormat(CSV) query_result = self.endpoint.queryAndConvert() return pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(str(query_result, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING)))
[docs] def _can_be_tree(self) -> bool: return self.__can_be_tree
[docs] def _can_be_tabular(self) -> bool: return self.__can_be_tabular
def __str__(self): return f"from <...{str(self.endpoint.endpoint)[-30:]}> {str(self.endpoint.queryString)[:60]} ..."