Source code for


# report_generator
# Created:  08/03/2019
# Author: Laurentiu Mandru
# Email:

this module implements the report generation functionality.
import json
import pathlib
from typing import Union

import jinja2

from eds4jinja2.adapters import deep_update
from import build_eds_environment, inject_environment_globals

# aims to be close to the J2 default env syntax definition, but explicitly specified
HTML_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX = {'block_start_string': '{%',
                        'block_end_string': '%}',
                        'variable_start_string': '{{',
                        'variable_end_string': '}}',
                        'comment_start_string': '{#',
                        'comment_end_string': '#}',
                        'line_statement_prefix': '#',
                        'line_comment_prefix': '##',
                        'trim_blocks': False, }

# do not change anything

# Jinja2 Environment ARGS
#   Constant borrowed from Marc Brinkmann's latex repository (mbr/latex on github)
#   Reused also by Samuel Roeca's in his latex repository (pappasam/latexbuild on github)
LATEX_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX = {'block_start_string': r'\BLOCK{',
                         'block_end_string': '}',
                         'variable_start_string': r'\VAR{',
                         'variable_end_string': '}',
                         'comment_start_string': r'\#{',
                         'comment_end_string': '}',
                         'line_statement_prefix': '%-',
                         'line_comment_prefix': '%#',
                         'trim_blocks': True,
                         'autoescape': False, }

[docs]class ReportBuilder: """ generic report builder that takes templates and configuration as input and produces an output report """ configuration_context: dict = {} def __init__(self, target_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], config_file: str = "config.json", output_path: str = None, additional_config: dict = {}): """ Instantiates builders form a template providing an optional configuration context. :type additional_config: additional config parameters that are added to the default ones be overwritten (deep update) in the project config.json :param target_path: the folder where the required resources are found :param config_file: the configuration file (default 'config.json') :param output_path: the output folder where the result of the rendering will be created """ with open(pathlib.Path(target_path) / config_file, encoding='utf-8') as configFile: self.configuration_context = json.loads( deep_update(self.configuration_context, additional_config) template_path = str(pathlib.Path(target_path) / "templates") static_folder = pathlib.Path(target_path) / "static" if output_path is not None: output_folder = pathlib.Path(output_path) else: # in case you don't specify an output, the rendered content will be placed # in the target folder, in an default directory named "output" # this is to prevent creating files wherever you happen to run the CLI output_folder = pathlib.Path(target_path) / "output" self.configuration_context["template_path"] = template_path self.configuration_context["static_folder"] = str(static_folder) self.configuration_context["output_folder"] = str(output_folder) self.configuration_context["conf"]["template_path"] = template_path self.template = self.configuration_context["template"] # Provides a configuration of the templating syntax flavour. By default it is configured # for HTML but could be adapted as necessary. For LaTex, LATEX_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX is available. # TODO: this code might need to be externalised in the next refactoring if "template_flavour_syntax" in self.configuration_context: if str.lower(self.configuration_context["template_flavour_syntax"]) in ("latex", "tex"): self.template_flavour_syntax_spec = LATEX_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX elif str.lower(self.configuration_context["template_flavour_syntax"]) in ("xml", "html", "xhtml"): self.template_flavour_syntax_spec = HTML_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX else: self.template_flavour_syntax_spec = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX else: self.template_flavour_syntax_spec = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_SYNTAX template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=template_path) self.template_env = build_eds_environment(loader=template_loader, **self.template_flavour_syntax_spec) inject_environment_globals(self.template_env, {'conf': self.configuration_context["conf"]}, False if self.configuration_context is None else True) self.__before_rendering_listeners = [] self.__after_rendering_listeners = []
[docs] def add_before_rendering_listener(self, listener): """ At the moment there is no use for this. """ self.__before_rendering_listeners.append(listener)
[docs] def add_after_rendering_listener(self, listener): """ At the moment, this is used just to copy static files to the output directory. For example, CSS, JavaScript and other static resources. """ self.__after_rendering_listeners.append(listener)
def __get_template(self, template_name=None) -> jinja2.Template: """ Standard JINJA2 get_template() functionality. :param template_name: :return: """ if not template_name: return self.template_env.get_template(self.template) else: return self.template_env.get_template(template_name)
[docs] def make_document(self): for listener in self.__before_rendering_listeners: listener(self.configuration_context) template = self.__get_template(self.template) pathlib.Path(self.configuration_context["output_folder"]).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)["output_folder"]) / self.template)) for listener in self.__after_rendering_listeners: listener(self.configuration_context)