Source code for


# report_generator
# Created:  08/03/2019
# Author: Laurentiu Mandru
# Email:
"""This file contains the post-processing methods that you can use in conjunction with the ReportBuilder:

1. make_pdf_from_latex - allows you, after you rendered a ".tex" file from a template, to make a PDF file out of it

2.copy_static_content - it simply does what it says, copies resources from the static resources folder to the output
folder (for example, in case of a more complex rendered HTML, you will need this to copy .css, .js and other files);
the input directory structure is preserved to the output folder during copying

import logging
import pathlib
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_pdf_from_latex(configuration_context: dict = {}) -> None: """ :rtype: None :param configuration_context: the configuration context of the renderer; in this method it is used to construct the output PDF file name LaTex will have to run 4 times to ensure proper output results (unfortunately this is a multi pass build process) """ LATEX_RUNS = 4 # LaTex will have to run 4 times to ensure proper output results output_folder = pathlib.Path(configuration_context["output_folder"]) input_file_name = pathlib.Path(configuration_context["template"]) engine = configuration_context["latex_engine"] if "latex_engine" in configuration_context else "pdflatex""Using {configuration_context['latex_engine']} to compile LaTex sources") cmd_args = [engine, "-file-line-error", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "-output-format=pdf", "-output-directory=.", str(input_file_name)] output = "LaTex engine logs" for _pass in range(LATEX_RUNS):"Running pass {_pass} in a multi-pass LaTex build") process = Popen(args=cmd_args, stdout=PIPE, cwd=str(output_folder)) try: output, errs = process.communicate(timeout=120) except TimeoutExpired: process.kill() output, errs = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: logger.fatal('pdflatex execution failed.') logger.fatal(output) raise RuntimeError(output)'LaTex subprocess finished successfully.')'LaTex multi-pass build finished successfully.') # deleting all the source and auxiliary files file_list = [f for f in list(output_folder.rglob("*.*")) if f.suffix != ".pdf"] for file in file_list: if file.is_dir(): file.rmdir() else: file.unlink(missing_ok=True)
[docs]def copy_static_content(configuration_context: dict) -> None: """ :param configuration_context: the configuration context for the currently executing processing pipeline :rtype: None """ if pathlib.Path(configuration_context["static_folder"]).is_dir(): copy_tree(configuration_context["static_folder"], configuration_context["output_folder"]) else: logger.warning(configuration_context["static_folder"] + " is not a directory !")